Sick. Again. I curse my weak Chinese immune system. Thank the Lord I have internet, or else I wouldn't have found some STUFF. :)
Gorgeous, huh? Dolce & Gabbana, I found on, where I am LEMONGRASS BY LING MEI. ^the above picture is my dream dress for Homecoming. Pairings for this? Bright red 50's lipstick, silver dangle earrings (subtle, but small stars of diamonds) and these lovely Christian Louboutin heels. Probably the only age appropiate pair I found for myself. :]
I know it's an absolutely classic 1950's pin-up girl look, and not very ASIAN (teehee.), but it's me. The price is the dark shadow standing between me and my future Homecoming. (w/o a date!) The dress and shoes are $1,650 and $695, respectively. $2,345 in all from the mathematics part of my brain. I might be able to find similar at Macy's, Nine West or online. My small town sucks balls. :P

Now onto wannbe fashionistas. Hollister, I repeat, Hollister is not 'amazinnnggg!!' fashion. Aero is not "so freakin' ca-yuttte!!" These are walking billboards, consuming money for their own gain. I do not, will not, plan not to shop there. I repeat, Hollister is not expressing your fashion style. Same styles of clothing in different colors, same Uggs in different colors=barf, puke, gag. I hate Uggs with a ever-burning passion.
All for now.